Tuesday, July 18, 2006

and then there were three....

We started up a new line with a new ISP on a MaxDSL standard circuit today, and discovered that it operates independently of the other Max Premium and Standard lines - no interaction whatever ! It is as if it is on a different exchange, which suggests it may be on a different virtual path from the exchange.

The new line is the 3rd trace below, the Premium line the centre and the standard reisdential MaxDSL is the top :-
Once again the "standard" Max residential line does its own thing and gets its full line rate, the only exception being the small dip at 2pm when a second similar line was added in.

The combination of 2 standard lines downloading at 2M at 14:00 was enough to flatten the "Premium" line to well below 2M. It recovered in steps after 14:00 as the residential lines finished their downloads.

The new line (bottom trace) didn't impact on the top trace, nor did it bother the Premium (middle) line much at 13:30. The subsequent download around 13:35 on the top line certainly caused a dip on the Premium line.


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